2023, IngramElliott Publishing
Sulie Bingle feels her loved ones slipping away. Her Grandma Nell has just died, her mother’s a wreck, and her lifelong best friend, Cam, is increasingly busy pursuing his dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer. Sulie’s been pulling away from everyone, hiding beneath layers of her late grandmother’s crochet, and trying to hold on to her loved ones in strange and unusual ways that leave her feeling empty and unfulfilled. Slowly, though, she finds ways to emerge from her crocheted cocoon and connect with the people around her, including the intriguing bad boy of Cam’s ballet studio, Serge. Sulie learns that moving on after a loss doesn’t mean forgetting the person who passed away; in fulfilling her grandmother’s rather bizarre last wishes, she both honors her grandmother’s memory and is inspired to make new plans for her future.
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Wait for It
2019, Ink Smith Publishing
When a freak bathroom accident cuts his Earthly life short, academic bowl team captain Martin Van Assen is surprised to find himself languishing in the waiting room of the Soul Reassignment Office with only the overly dramatic Zelda Kozikowski and her maybe-ex-boyfriend, the oft-reincarnated Zeke Zabar, for company. The unlikely trio gets tired of sitting around with nothing to do but bicker while they wait to start new lives, and sneaks through a portal that takes them back to Earth in ghostly form. The search for meaning in their previous lives takes these three lost souls on the journey of an afterlifetime, all the way to the infernally warm intake office of Hell itself. Martin, Zelda, and Zeke might figure a few things out along the way, but none of it will matter much if they have to spend eternity in a pit of fire. Or worse.
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